SCORM compliant eLearning interactions to increase learner engagement.
Improve your existing content or use as standalone interactions. Our interactions can be used in any web content. Customize our interactions to make them your own using our easy to use editor.
Customizable HTML5 Interactions for Engaging eLearning
3.5 Easy Steps
Select the type of eLearning interaction you want to add to your eLearning.
Enjoy unpresidented control by customizing your interaction to be exactly the game you want.
Easily export the code snippet and paste this in your eLearning course. Easy-peasy.
Live edit your interaction directly in Gameo. Editing is easy and automatically updates your eLearning game.
Gameo Features

Create amazing interactions using our simple but powerful interaction editor.

Publish your interactions as HTML. Our interactions work on Windows, Mac, iPads, Android Tables, Chromebooks and more.

Simplify your workflow by using our real-time editor. Update your interactions without the need to re-export or upload it again.

No software download is required to use our cloud based editor. Works on Mac, Windows and Linux in all modern web browser's.

Our interactions report scores and completion data to your SCORM1.2, SCORM2004 or TinCan / xAPI compliant LMS.

Easily embed your interactions into your own content using our embed code.

Export your interaction as a stand-alone SCORM1.2, SCORM2004 or TinCan / xAPI package to import into your compliant LMS.

Browse the public library of interactions created by other users. Mark your own interactions as public to share them with others.

Invite other users from your company to help build and edit your interactions.